sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010


Before the reading

(Abilities to be explored before the text whole reading)

  • Activating the previous knowledge about the subject.

  • Expectations in function of the support.

  • Expectations in function of the text characterisitics.

  • Expectations in function of the author or responsible institution for the publication.

  • Anticipation of the subject or main idea from paratextuals elements: title, subtitles, prefaces, summaries.

  • Anticipation of the subject or main idea from the examination of images or graphical items.

  • Definition of the objectives of the reading.

During the reading

(Abilities to be explored during the text whole reading)

  • Confirmation of what was anticipated or expectated before or during the reading.

  • Localization of the main idea.

  • Understanding the unknown words from inference or consulting the dictionary.

  • Identification of key words.

  • Searching additional information consultating encyclopedias, Internet and other sources.

  • Identification of linguistic items related to the subject.

  • Construction of the global idea about the text.

  • Identification of the author's position.

  • Identifying references to other texts, searching information you add, if necessary.

After the reading

(Abilities to be explored after the text whole reading)

  • Construction of the semantic sinthesis of the text.

  • Exchanging the impressions about the text.

  • Written registration of what is understood about the text.

  • Critical evaluation of the text.